Friday, September 25, 2009

September is almost over already. I can't believe that we are a few weeks away from midterms. Time flies by so fast! School is going good so far. It has it's ups and downs, like just about everything in life, but mostly it is good. I am so grateful that I am doing an internship, even though life gets a little hectic sometimes. Being able to apply the concepts that I am learning in class in the real world is proving to be quite useful. It also helps that I work in the cost accounting department, and I am taking cost accounting this semester.

Rusty and I are doing great! We try to squeeze in as much time together as possible in between classes and work. Rusty just got his own apartment, and I am so excited for him. It is very nice, and located much closer to campus. He does not have to drive nearly as far in order to get to class now.

I am going to be moving in with my aunt Amy at the end of November. I have some mixed emotions about it, but I feel like it is the right thing to do. It will probably only be for one semester, so that I can concentrate more on school and be able to save up some money for when I get my own place. Living on your own is much more expensive than living with a roommate, and I don't want to have to be stressed out all of the time while I'm trying to study. I am excited to be able to spend more time with the kids, and to have more of that family connection that I don't get very often. Sometimes it's really hard to be so far away from home all the time, and its nice to have some family around. On the other side, it is hard not to feel like I'm being somewhat of an imposition, as well as giving up a certain amount of my independence. I think it will all work out in the end though. I'm in the homestretch. In about a year I will finally have a bachelor's degree!