Monday, April 27, 2009

School is Almost out for the Summer!

I have almost made it through another semester!  I won't actually get to start my official summer vacation until the end of May, but it will still be nice to feel like I have another semester of classes under my belt.  I am taking a three week mini-mester class, Spanish in the Workplace.  I'm a little worried about how I'm going to cram an entire semester's worth of information into three weeks, but I am up to the challenge!

The job search is going well.  I have had three interviews in the last couple of weeks, and they all went pretty well, so I'm hoping that something will come of them pretty soon.  They would all be great places to work, and right now, it would be great to have a job.  It might be nice to not have to go to work everyday, but the stress of working is just replaced by the stress of not working.

That's about all the updates I have for right now!

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